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List of questions

*Ben edited on April 5. All set to divide into templates and distribute.*

Athlete questions:

Do you have a pregame ritual? Are you superstitious?

Fondest memory of your high school career?

How do you want your teammates to remember you?

Who are some artists in your pregame playlist?

What is your go-to pregame meal?

How do your teammates make practice fun?

What is a movie you can quote from start to finish?

Who is the most underrated player on your team?

What shows are you currently into?

Do you have any strange phobias?

If you could have one superpower what would it be?

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

What is something you can't live without?

What is your favorite social media platform?

Outside of (insert sport) what is one skill you'd like to master?

What aspect of (insert sport) brings you the most joy?

If you could have dinner with one celebrity who would it be?

Who is the best dancer on the team?

What is your favorite professional (insert sport) team?

Who is your celebrity crush?

Who would you like to trade places with for one day?

Coach questions:

Do you have a pregame ritual? Are you superstitious?

Who is your coaching mentor?

Who is the most underrated coach in your league?

What do you hope to teach your players outside of (insert sport)?

Who is the best coach you've matched Xs and Os with?

How has coaching influenced who you are today as a person?

If you weren't coaching, what would you be doing?

What is the most rewarding part of being a coach?

What sports books/movies are your favorite?

What is one word you hope your former athletes use to describe you?

What do you believe is the proper role of parents when it comes to high school sports?